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Understand Neighborhood Rules: If you reside in an area governed by covenants or a homeowner’s association, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the guidelines before proceeding with fence installation. These regulations may encompass restrictions regarding fence size, permitted materials, and aesthetic appearance. Prior review of these guidelines can save both time and money. Find Your Property Line: It's essential to accurately determine the boundaries of your property before erecting a fence. Don’t rely solely on assumptions—consult your deed to ascertain property lines. Deeds can typically be accessed through mortgage papers or by visiting the local courthouse. Some jurisdictions even offer online access to property records. Check Local Laws: Before initiating fence construction, be sure to research local ordinances and regulations. Depending on your location, you may need to obtain a permit for installation, adhere to specific height and material requirements, or conform to designated fence styles. Consulting with local authorities ensures compliance with zoning laws. Apply for a Variance if Necessary: Should you encounter restrictions within your community's zoning ordinances regarding fence construction, consider applying for a variance. This formal request seeks permission to deviate from standard regulations, enabling the installation or modification of a fence that would otherwise be prohibited. Contact Local Utility Providers: Prevent potential costly errors by reaching out to your local utility company before digging. Even in long-term residences, underground utility lines may exist unbeknownst to homeowners. Contacting the 811 service prior to excavation ensures that utility lines are marked, free of charge. However, anticipate a brief delay in response time, as marking may take several days to complete.

Do Your Research

Inquire with homeowners or neighborhood associations and municipal building code officials regarding covenants that dictate fencing look, height, and material. City and neighborhood rules may specify the better-looking side of a fence (the side that doesn’t show posts and rails) be placed toward the public face of the property. Ask how far a fence has to be set back from sidewalks and property lines and find out if your fence project will require a building permit.

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Knowledgeable consultants at Exterior Fence Builders, Inc. understand the importance of researching and adhering to local regulations, neighborhood covenants, and municipal building codes when planning a fence project. Here’s how they assist homeowners in navigating these considerations:

  1. Initial Consultation: Consultants initiate discussions with homeowners to understand their specific needs, preferences, and any existing guidelines or regulations that may apply to their property. This includes inquiring about any homeowners’ association (HOA) regulations or neighborhood covenants related to fencing.
  2. Researching Regulations: Consultants conduct thorough research into local zoning laws, HOA regulations, and municipal building codes to determine the requirements for fence height, materials, setback distances from sidewalks and property lines, and other relevant factors.
  3. HOA and Neighborhood Association Compliance: If the property is subject to HOA rules or neighborhood association covenants, consultants ensure that the proposed fence design and materials comply with these regulations. This may involve reviewing documents provided by the homeowner or contacting the relevant associations directly for clarification.
  4. Understanding Aesthetic Guidelines: Consultants inquire about any aesthetic guidelines that may dictate which side of the fence should face outward, particularly in areas visible to the public. They educate homeowners about the concept of the “good neighbor” or “better-looking” side of the fence and ensure that the proposed design meets these requirements.
  5. Setback and Permit Requirements: Consultants inquire about setback requirements, which determine how far the fence must be placed from sidewalks, property lines, and other structures. They also determine whether a building permit is required for the proposed fence project and guide homeowners through the application process if necessary.
  6. Communication with Building Code Officials: Consultants proactively communicate with municipal building code officials to clarify any questions or concerns related to the proposed fence project. They seek clarification on specific regulations and ensure that the project complies with all relevant codes and ordinances.
  7. Documentation and Compliance: Consultants assist homeowners in documenting compliance with all regulatory requirements, including obtaining any necessary permits and approvals. They provide homeowners with detailed information about the proposed fence design, materials, and installation methods to facilitate the approval process.
  8. Ongoing Support: Throughout the planning and installation process, consultants remain available to address any additional questions or concerns that may arise related to regulatory compliance. They provide guidance and support to ensure a smooth and successful fence installation experience for the homeowner.

By proactively addressing regulatory considerations and providing expert guidance, Exterior Fence Builders, Inc. consultants help homeowners navigate the complex landscape of local regulations and neighborhood requirements, ensuring that their fence project is both aesthetically pleasing and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

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